Guidelines with Andrew Robinson

The Most Vital Factor in Transformation: You

Episode Summary

In this episode, Andrew highlights your role as the change agent, emphasizing that you are the most vital factor in driving transformation in others. Discover the remarkable impact of showing up authentically and being fully present as yourself and learn how shifting your focus from the "what" to the "how" can lead to transformative results.

Episode Notes

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Guidelines. This is Episode 32, and I hope you're finding value in our ongoing conversation about the "how" and the "what." Few concepts have been as transformative in my work as the ability to distinguish between these two. Today, I want to delve into the specifics of why this distinction is so valuable, starting with you as the catalyst for change. I've emphasized this throughout Guidelines: you are the most critical variable when it comes to driving change and transformation in others.

Imagine this: You could forget all your presentation materials, all your carefully crafted content, and your projector could break down, but as long as you're present, your audience still has you. As I mentioned in a previous episode, around 7-10% of communication is the "what" (the content), while a whopping 90-93% is the "how" (the process). This implies that who you are, how grounded you are, and the strength of your self-awareness significantly influence the "how" of communication.

Have you ever noticed that when you show up as your authentic self, the conversation takes on a whole different dynamic? I certainly have. For instance, I recently had a high-stakes sales conversation that initially had me feeling quite tense. The potential deal was enormous, and the pressure was palpable. I could feel myself being drawn into the vacuum of focusing on the content and structure, but I reminded myself that I had the content under control. What I needed to focus on was being 100% myself. I took a few moments beforehand to ground myself, and when I entered that conversation, I was fully present as Andrew.

The results were incredible. Even though I had previously had a somewhat chilly interaction with this prospect, this time was different. I showed up authentically, and the dynamic shifted dramatically. It's remarkable how simply being present and genuine can transform the "how" of a conversation.

Now, let me clarify that we're not suggesting you eliminate the "what" entirely; that would create chaos. What we advocate for is a shift in emphasis, with the "what" comprising just 7-10% while the "how" takes center stage. By doing this, you empower others to engage and contribute, making the conversation a co-creative process.

This applies to various contexts, whether you're meeting with a potential client, leading a team, or simply having a conversation with a friend. When you prioritize the "how," you're giving others access to you, and that can lead to transformative results.

Consider your upcoming engagements—meetings, presentations, or discussions. Reflect on whether you're primarily focusing on the "what" or if you're prepared to emphasize the "how" in these interactions. The lens through which you view these situations should remain consistent—it's just the context that changes. Keep experimenting and fine-tuning your ability to differentiate between the "how" and the "what."

Remember, you are the most crucial element in all of this. If you find yourself struggling or in need of support, don't hesitate to reach out to the Giant's community. We're here to help each other navigate this transformative journey.

Take care of yourself, and remember, you're an essential piece of this puzzle. Until next time.